For Fingal & Meath Residents Affected by Aircraft Noise & Pollution From Dublin Airport
SMTW FORUM is the #1 Community Group in Fingal & Meath Representing 30,000+ Residents Affected By Aircraft Noise & Air Pollution From Dublin Airport, Ireland.
Observations / Submissions
36 Million Passenger Cap
Observation / Submission For:
36million Passenger Cap Application
Deadline to Fingal County Council:
Tuesday, 4th February 2025 by 11:59pm
On 20th December, just days before Christmas, DAA put in a new submission to Fingal County Council seeking 36million passenger increase *without* any Infrastructure included.
While we understand the importance of Dublin Airport, proper planning and sustainability needs to be followed by all, including Dublin Airport!
DAA never held a Public Consultation with local communities about this new application. The DAA did not have a pre-planning consultation with Fingal County Council either. Our communities have been hit with three critical planning permission application deadlines within the last 6 weeks, over Christmas/New Years period. No other communities in Ireland have been hit as bad as Fingal & Meath with back to back planning deadlines. Again, this highlights the lack of respect that DAA have for their neighbours!
*New Application - New Deadline:*
*Planning Reference: F24A/1178E
This is a brand new application for everyone. We have until Tuesday, 4th February to put in our submissions. Cost €20. It's important to join in at this stage so you can be part of the conversation going forward.
Read all details about this application here:
Make your submission online here: Log in and follow the link. Pay €20 online.
You can drop your submission into Fingal County Council Offices, Main Street, Swords from 9:30am-3pm. Pay at the cash desk inside at reception.
**Note: Monday, 3rd February is a Bank Holiday so FCC offices will not be open to pay in person!
Our team is currently finalising points that you may wish to include in your submission for 36 million passenger cap. We will send these shortly. Many of the previous arguments made in the 40million passenger Infrastructure Application will apply to this submission also.
*More info on our community website:*
Please email us or PM us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your continued support.
*Scroll down for key points from 40 million that you may wish to include in your submission to Fingal County Council.
Observation / Submission For:
40million Passenger Infrastructure Application (Passenger Cap)
Deadline to Fingal County Council:
Wednesday, 8th January 2025 By 11:59pm
Scroll down for key points that you may wish to include in your submission to Fingal County Council.
*Fingal County Council: DAA 40mill Passenger Infrastructure Application Deadline: This Wednesday, 8th January!*
There's a very important application in with Fingal County Council (FCC) right now that needs your attention. This 40million Passenger Infrastructure Application if approved, will affect all communities in Fingal & Meath on South Runway & North Runway. DAA submitted 12,000 pages of Significant Additional Information (SAI) and we have until this Wednesday 8th January to give our comments.
Case Ref: F23A/0781
*Deadline; Wednesday, 8th January by 11:59pm ONLINE or 3pm IN-PERSON*.
Please read all details about this application here on FCC website:
If you already made a submission (paid €20) on this case to FCC in Feb 2024, you should have received an email from FCC asking you to make a *FREE* comment/submission on the new SAI (12,000 pages) received in November.
Email your *FREE* comment/submission by 11:59pm on Wednesday 8th January to:
*New submissions cost €20 and can be made online by 11:59pm on Wednesday 8th January. Click link below to start:*
Drop your submission into Customer Service Desk or Cash Office in FCC Offices by 3pm on Wednesday 8th January.
Address: Main Street, Swords, Co.Dublin.
*We need as many voices from our communities across Fingal and Meath to make a submission which will allow you to be part of discussions going forward.*
*More Passengers = More Flights = More Noise = More Pollution = More Sleepless Nights = More Health Problems = More Cognitive Delay & Depression in Children*
As always, we are available to answer any of your questions by PM or email.
Thank you,
32 Million Passenger Cap Reminder:
As the debate about the passenger cap at Dublin Airport continues to heat up across the media and political circles, we would like to remind everyone on the following:
An Bord Pleanála issued a condition of 32 million passenger cap at Dublin Airport in 2007 following the grant of permission for Terminal 2 and nothing to do with the North Runway.*
️ Electricity Supply Concerns
️ Road Network Concerns
️ Sewerage System Concerns
️ Water Supply Concerns
️ Public Transport Concerns
️ Environmental Concerns
️ Protect Local Communities
Even though Big Corporations, Lobbyists, and Investors are claiming the 32m passenger cap is "outdated" and a "dinosaur condition," we need to highlight today's reality in Fingal in 2025:
The population now living in communities around Dublin Airport has grown vastly since 2007, which means:
NOW IN 2025, there's an even greater demand and pressure on;
Fingal Water Supply than in 2007
Fingal Sewerage System than in 2007
Fingal Electricity Supply than in 2007
Road Networks around Dublin & Dublin Airport due to the increase in population and rising car ownership than in 2007
Public Transport System than in 2007
Housing than in 2007
Health Services than in 2007
Rental Accommodation than in 2007
Hotel Accommodation than in 2007
Staffing than in 2007
Climate Change & Environment around Dublin Airport than in 2007
Flightpaths and Noise from Dublin Airport than in 2007
Children's Health and Families living around Dublin Airport than in 2007
Answers on PFAS, the forever chemicals discovered at Dublin Airport since 2007
These are just some of the concerns that the local communities have regarding the lifting of the passenger cap at Dublin Airport and the challenges now in 2025.
**Don't forget to add your own points and concerns in your submission
Submission on Significant Additional Information Received for Planning Application F23A/0781 to expand Dublin Airport to 40 million Passengers:
Dear Senior Planner,
The contents of all previous submissions remain valid and should be considered in their entirety. Despite the passage of time and the significant number of requests for further information from Fingal County Council, the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) has submitted documentation that remains largely unchanged and inadequate. There continues to be a lack of meaningful responses to key concerns regarding noise, traffic, and environmental impacts.
I strongly object to any proposed expansion without a serious and enforceable commitment to mitigating the impacts on local communities. It is simply unbelievable that a 25% increase in passenger capacity and aircraft movements will result in no additional environmental impacts, as the DAA suggests. This claim undermines the validity of their assessments and raises serious concerns about the transparency and accuracy of their environmental impact evaluations. Furthermore, DAA are currently in breach of multiple planning conditions and Fingal County Council should not consider any new applications from DAA until they adhere to their current planning.
Here are 12 Key Points based on DAA Response to Fingal County Council:
1. Failure to Justify Reliance on Technological Advancements
The DAA’s response has failed to justify its reliance on future technological advancements to reduce noise and greenhouse gas emissions from aviation. Historical trends show the opposite, with limited improvements failing to offset increased air traffic. Yet, the DAA expects the public to believe that aircraft will become significantly quieter and less polluting. Given the DAA’s history of broken promises, this assumption is not credible and cannot form the basis of sound planning decisions.
2. Failure to Address Noise-Related Health Impacts
The DAA’s application does not adequately address the significant health impacts of noise-related awakenings caused by aircraft movements, despite research highlighting links to cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, and sleep disturbance.
3. Inadequate Noise Mitigation Measures and Failure to Expand Relocation Schemes
Noise insulation proposals are ineffective as they do not account for realistic conditions such as open windows. The DAA has also failed to consider an expanded voluntary relocation scheme for residents in areas where noise levels are deemed unacceptable. Without such a scheme, affected communities continue to experience significant deterioration in their quality of life. Additionally, the DAA has not proposed operational restrictions, such as a movement limit, to mitigate night-time noise impacts.
4. Non-Compliance with Original Flight Path Conditions
The current divergent flight paths deviate from those assessed in the original Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The DAA has not provided any environmental reassessment or public consultation regarding these changes.
5. Failure to Present Alternatives for Flight Paths
Despite claims that flight paths are necessary for safety, the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) and AirNav Ireland confirmed that multiple safe options exist. The DAA did not assess or present alternative routes aligned with planning conditions.
6. Breach of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive
The DAA bypassed mandatory environmental reassessment for altered flight paths, contravening EU regulations designed to safeguard communities from unassessed environmental impacts.
7. Traffic Congestion and Inadequate Surface Access
The proposal lacks credible mitigation for increased traffic congestion at key junctions, many of which are already operating beyond capacity. No effective strategy is in place to address the additional strain during the 15-year construction phase.
8. Premature Expansion Without Supporting Infrastructure
The MetroLink, a critical infrastructure project intended to support increased passenger capacity, has not been completed. The proposal to increase capacity to 40 million passengers per annum is premature and unsustainable without it.
9. Insufficient Public Engagement and Transparency
Local communities were not consulted on flight path changes. Additionally, noise contour maps were presented in formats that were inaccessible and illegible to the public, hindering meaningful participation.
10. Climate and Environmental Impact
The expansion would exacerbate greenhouse gas emissions, making Dublin Airport one of the country’s largest emitters. The proposal contradicts national climate commitments under the Paris Agreement.
11. Failure to Address PFAS Contamination
The application does not address existing contamination by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater, despite hydrological links to sensitive ecological sites such as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs).
12. Overlapping Applications Undermining Public Participation
The public was overwhelmed with three concurrent DAA planning applications—the Relevant Action, the Infrastructure Application, and the 36mppa application—submitted in a short timeframe over Christmas. This approach hindered fair and transparent participation, contravening the principles of the Aarhus Convention.
Please REFUSE PERMISSION for this application.
**Don't forget to add your own points and concerns in your submission
An Board Pleanala Draft Decision
Deadline: Monday, 23rd December 2024
DEADLINE: Relevant Action Draft Decision - Monday, 23rd December 2024
An Bord Pleanála released the Draft Decision for the Relevant Action (RA) in September.
Case Ref: 314485
Members of the public are now invited to make a submission/observation on this to ABP.
Deadline Monday, 23rd December at 5:30pm.
If you already made a submission/observation previously on this case, it is FREE. If this is your first time making a submission the cost is €50 which is paid directly to ABP.
Points to include in your submission:
New Submissions / Observations Can Be Lodged Via:
1. Online Portal & Submit Payment:
2. Hand Deliver to ABP Headquarters:
The Secretary
An Bord Pleanála
64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1.
D01 V902.
Note: Case Ref: 314485
We DO NOT recommend you sending your observation by post as it may not reach ABP on time with busy Christmas period and miss the deadline.
If You Made Submission Previously and Already Paid €50
FREE for those who already made a submission/observation previously on this case. Please do the following:*
Email your latest submission/observation to:
You can call James in ABP directly to ask about your status:
01- 8737173
*Take some time and view ABP documents below in documents section:*
Draft Decision Letter: (29 pages)
Inspector's Report: (400+ pages)
2. *Drop-In Clinics Next Week:*
Our team of volunteers will be available to assist you with your observation at the following locations:
Tuesday, 10th December
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Ashbourne Community Center (Upstairs Mezzanine), A84 WY82
Wednesday, 11th December
Coolquoy Lodge, D11 W6NF
Our team will also be able to take new submissions along with €50 cash at these clinics.
*Do You Want Unlimited Night Flights over your home INDEFINITELY?*
Are You Ready for DAA to wake you and your children up and stay awake from 6am-12am
*Voice your concerns NOW to ABP!*
If you, like so many other residents across Fingal and Meath are unhappy with DAA and the further disruption they are planning to make in our communities (for their financial gain), well then An Bord Pleanala needs to hear from you by Monday, 23rd December 2024 by 5:30pm!
Please see below a list of points that you may like to consider for your observation/submission to An Bord Pleanála regarding the Draft Decision for Relevant Action, which was released in September 2024 and is now out to public consultation with a deadline of *Monday, 23rd December 2024, by 5:30pm* to make an observation on this draft decision.
*New observations pay €50 to ABP:*
*FREE* if you made a submission/observation previously on this case #: 314485
Email to:
It is *VERY IMPORTANT* that An Bord Pleanála hears from as many from our communities across Fingal and Meath.
click document attached
*NOW OPEN: Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan 2024-2028:*
The public is invited to make a *free* submission to Fingal County Council on the Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan 2024-2028.
*Deadline: 5pm on Tuesday, 15th October 2024.*
Send your submission by:
*1. Email:*
*2. Online Portal:*
*3. By Post:* Dublin Airport Action Plan, FCC, County Hall, Main St, Swords, Co.Dublin K67 X8Y2
Learn more about the draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan:
*Some points to consider for your submission on Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan:*
*1. The Impact of Unauthorised Flight Paths from Dublin Airport’s North Runway:*
The unauthorised use of flight paths from Dublin Airport’s North Runway has resulted in noise levels far exceeding what was presented to the public during consultation and planning. This deviation has not only caused undue harm to residents across Fingal and East Meath but has also rendered the Dublin Airport Noise Zones in the Fingal Development Plan ineffective, undermining the land use management pillar of the ICAO’s Balanced Approach. The only equitable solution for the thousands of people affected by these unauthorised flight paths is for the DAA to revert to the flight paths that were initially approved. Only by doing so can the noise impact be properly managed and the integrity of the planning process be restored.
*2. Long-Term Health Impacts and Costs to the Irish Taxpayer Due to Aircraft Noise Exposure:*
The long-term health impacts of aircraft noise exposure, including cardiovascular diseases, sleep disturbances, and mental health issues, pose a serious threat to the well-being of affected communities. These health problems, if left unaddressed, will result in significant economic costs to the Irish taxpayer in the form of increased healthcare expenses, reduced productivity, and broader societal costs. Children are a high-risk group vulnerable to the effects of chronic aircraft noise. Studies show a consistent association between chronic aircraft noise exposure and impaired cognition and stress responses in children.
The implementation of more stringent noise abatement measures, particularly in response to the unauthorised flight paths currently in use, is essential to prevent further health deterioration and to mitigate the long-term financial burden on the public. Failing to act now will only compound the costs, both in terms of public health and economic resources, in the years to come.
*3. Insufficiency in the Verification of Noise Contour Maps in the Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan:*
The Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan is fundamentally weakened by its failure to critically verify the noise contour maps produced by the DAA. The discrepancies between the DAA's predictions and the actual noise levels measured by the SMTW Residents Group demonstrate that the current noise mapping is inadequate. Without independent verification, the plan cannot be trusted to accurately reflect the true noise impact on surrounding communities. The inclusion of a robust verification process is essential to ensure that noise mitigation measures are effective and that the health and well-being of the most affected residents are safeguarded.
*4. Insufficiency of the Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan in Addressing Specific Priority Action Areas:*
While the Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan takes important steps toward managing aircraft noise, its failure to identify and address specific priority action areas diminishes its effectiveness. The plan’s generalized approach, in contrast to the more precise strategies seen in the Dublin Agglomeration Noise Action Plan, leaves communities most affected by aircraft noise without the focused attention they require. To safeguard public health and improve quality of life for residents in noise-sensitive areas, the Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan must be revised to include clear definitions of priority action areas and implement targeted, community-specific noise mitigation strategies.
**It is free to make a submission to the Draft Dublin Airport Noise Action Plan.*
IAA Draft Decision Summer 2025 Slots at Dublin Airport
Deadline: Thursday 26th September 2024 by 5pm
*IAA Draft Decision Summer 2025 Slots Now Open For Public Consultation!*
The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) draft decision for Summer Slots 2025 is now open for public consultation. All welcome to make a submission.
*Read IAA draft decision here:*
*Deadline for Submissions:*
Thursday 26th September 2024 by 5pm.
*Email your submission for free to:*
*Subject Line: Summer 2025 Slots at Dublin Airport*
*Some points to consider for your submission:*
1. *Passenger Cap:*
The official CSO figures for passenger numbers at Dublin Airport for 2023 show 33.26m passengers, exceeding the 32m cap. The cap was also breached in 2019. DAA have publicly confirmed they will breach the cap AGAIN in 2024.
2. *CSO Figures to be used:*
Fingal County Council have stated that, based on decisions by An Bord Pleanála, that the CSO figures (which adhere to the International Aviation Convention on counting passengers) should be used for planning and enforcement purposes.
The IAA's S25 plan should use the CSO's figures rather than figures modified by the DAA to remove transit passengers, contrary to the International Aviation Convention.
3. *Night-time Flights:*
The hourly runway schedules should be amended to reflect the recent Relevant Action decision by An Bord Pleanala. The summer 2025 schedule should include an annual aircraft movement limit of 13,000 between the nighttime hours of 23:00 and 06:59 (inclusive local time) with aircraft movements split between winter (3,900) and summer (9,100). Separate seasonal tables should be provided within the summer 2025 decision to clearly show the allowable limits at nighttime during summer and winter.
4. *Flightpath:*
The IAA are fully aware of the noise situation as a result of divergent flight paths from the NR. This is causing huge distress to tens of thousands of people. The public note and appreciate the recent efforts by IAA to control the annual passenger cap and to help keep the airport compliant with planning conditions. We note the IAA’s role also has an environmental element and in that regard, IAA should not have approved the north runway flightpaths which are currently in use. These flightpaths shower noise on over 30,000 people. No public consultation was ever sought for these flight paths. The original straight out flightpaths would improve the noise situation enormously.
All agencies must work together to make those flightpath changes and revert back to what was originally agreed in EIAR by ABP in 2007.
Steps how to submit an Observation/Submission
on ABP website
New Noise Contour Maps 2024
DAA submitted new noise contour maps (50000:1 ratio) to An Bord Pleanala by deadline date of 4th March 2024. We now discover that these new maps are very different to the initial maps that were originally submitted.
Click on the PDF icons below to view over 100 maps
submitted by DAA to An Bord Pleanala in March 2024:
Pack 1 - OSM Base
Without Insulated Properties
Click PDF icon to view maps
Pack 2 - Aerial Base
Without Insulated Properties
Click PDF icon to view maps
Pack 3 - OSM Base
With Insulated Properties
Click PDF icon to view maps
Pack 4 - Aerial Base
With Insulated Properties
Click PDF icon to view maps
Response From Tom Philips & Associates on Behalf of DAA
Click PDF icon to view maps
Submission / Observation to An Bord Pleanala Regarding
New Noise Contour Maps
Deadline: Tuesday, 2nd April 2024
Time: 5:30pm close of business
*New Noise Contour Maps Submission:*
*Deadline: Submission/Observation must be sent to An Bord Pleanála by Tuesday, 2nd April, 5:30pm. FREE--NO CHARGE!*
By email:
Drop off to ABP office:
61-64 Marlborough Street, Dublin, D01 V902
ABP Case Num: ABP- 314485-22
Planning Authority Reference Num: F20A/0668
Many of you recently received a registered letter from An Bord Pleanála (dated 12th March) stating that you have the opportunity to make a submission/observation regarding the new noise contours maps by Tuesday, 2nd April.
** We have a sample template letter attached that you can use when making your submission/observation to ABP **
*NOTE:* If you did not put in a submission/observation to ABP (by 14th Dec 2023) and you did not receive a registered letter (dated 12th March) unfortunately you will not be able to make a submission on this matter at this stage.
If you do live within the *new additional 7sq km as shown in the new maps*, please contact us ASAP at:
Those who made a submission/observation to An Bord Pleanála (dated Dec 2023) regarding the Relevant Action on night flights, flight path, flight time change, will be receiving a registered letter from An Bord Pleanala in the post from today onwards.
The letter addresses the update of noise contour maps from DAA which ABP requested and received by 4th March deadline.
We now have 3 weeks to look at these new noise contour maps that were submitted and we must submit a response to ABP by 2nd April.
We will be in touch with you all shortly with more updates on this.
In the meantime, you can view the new noise contour maps here:
We will be discussing this letter at our upcoming public meeting, please attend.
Date: Thursday, 21st March 2024
Time: 8pm
Venue: Coolquoy Lodge, D11 W6NF
Thank you,